


Heatmap, Recording & Feedback Tool for Website

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All-in-one Experience Optimization Platform For Product & Marketing Teams

A full-package suite that is intuitive and easy to use so you can make informed UX improvements, in turn, help you increase your business revenue and create lasting relationships with customers for life.

  • Understand your users’ behavior better
  • Optimize web conversion rates & revenue
  • Automate customer engagement

Increase sales and conversion rates: Howuku gives you detailed, real-time insight into how people interact with products. With data at your fingertips, you can iterate continuously, focus on the most impactful features, and innovate faster.

  • Automated customer engagement: Automatically engage your customer to keep them touch with your service on event based engagement.
  • Optimize conversion rates: Optimizing your website can effectively save you much money on your ads spending and customer acquisition cost.
  • Setup in less than 5 minutes: Simple integration process to access a full-package suite of CRO tools to help your business succeed.


  • Session Recording: See what visitors do on your website or how they interact with the navigation, article, click, etc.
  • Dynamic Heatmaps: Determine the areas that get the most attention based on clicks, traffic source, or scrolling activity.
  • A/B Split Testing: Perform split tests to making smart improvements to your content that are proven to garner more engagement.
  • Web Personalization: Personalize your website content to show relevant information to your targeted audience.
  • Feedback Widget: Video feedback and annotation drawing to help you collect the most descriptive feedback from your users.
  • Pop-up Survey: On-site survey form to help you ask a sequence of questions to collect user inputs.
  • Event Automation: Automate user engagement with Telegram, Email, or SMS when specific events occurred.
  • Traffic Analysis: Easy to use traffic analysis that breaks down visitors’ insight into source, country, bounce rate, etc.
  • Conversion Funnel: Funnels help you identify what might be going wrong in users’ sessions and drill down into visitor’s detail.

Plans and Features

  • Growth: Good for growing startup
  • 150K pageviews/month
  • 6 month data storage
  • 3 account users
  • Segment Alerts
  • Export Data
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