


Send automated emails & improve your open rates by 34%

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You have a great website, blog, and are collecting subscribers.

Now, you need a reliable autoresponder to communicate with them via emails and keep your audience engaged.

What if you could also automate your email campaigns so that you can convert subscribers to customers at the right time?

With Automizy, you can create, schedule, send & automate your emails based on opens and clicks.

Here’s how easy it is to get started

  • Add your contacts manually (or) import them in batches via a CSV file
  • Create a campaign, and design your emails with the built-in Drag & Drop editor, or a plain HTML editor, or write emails, as you do in your Gmail/Outlook
  • Send or Schedule your emails to be sent at a particular time
  • Use the Visual Automation Builder, create a visual journey of when do you want to send your future emails

What makes Automizy very Special? (Audrey, this five-year-old company is doing something very right!

Drag & Drop Editor

Create engaging newsletters with the Drag & Drop Editor, which makes the process a lotta fun. There is a bunch of tried and tested templates to maximize the engagement of your emails.

Subject Line Tester

The AI predicts the performance of your subject lines, even before you send out your emails. Subject lines play a vital role in the open rate (indeed)

Visual Automation Builder

The automation builder is a great way to map out your campaign visually. You can schedule & send emails, based on the list the subscriber is on, link clicks in your previous emails, webpage visits and much more.

There are also ready-to-use automation templates for you to get started.

Automatic Resend

Resend the unopened emails to customers, with a different subject line & without having to redo the entire process.

A few clicks and you reach out to individuals in case they missed out on your previous emails!

A/B testing

You can write up to 4 subject lines for your emails & set them up for automation.

Automizy’s machine learning algorithm will optimize and send the variation that guarantees the highest open rates for your emails.

Website Behavior Tracking

You can send automated emails based on the visitors’ engagement (visits, clicks) on your website.

How about sending an email to the subscriber who just visited your pricing page, with a discount coupon? Charlie, now that’s how you close a sale!

Advanced Filters

There is an endless amount of Filters to build your automated emails campaigns more effectively.

You can filter your subscribers & customers based on the tags, lead score, email opens, clicks, the date they subscribed, UTM parameters, bounce rate, activities & so on.

By simply applying these filters, you’re sending laser-targeted emails to the right person, at the right time.

Campaign Analytics

With the detailed analytics, you can get a bird’s eye view of how your campaigns are performing.

You can see the open rate, click rate, delivery rate, hard & soft bounces, no. of unsubscribes, best-performing links, and much more.

If you are running A/B tests, you can also check how each of the variations is performing.


Automizy integrates with most of the industry-leading tools like Slack, Zapier, Salesforce, Mailchimp, LeadPages, and more. Plus, there are lot of zap templates for you to plug & play.

To connect with other tools you’re using, there is an open API from Automizy (also a part of this deal)

While you are going to focus on your content & marketing efforts, Automizy is going to take care of engaging and converting your subscribers/customers.

With so many powerful features, isn’t Automizy a very expensive tool?

Yes, and No.

Regular users are paying $49/mo for 3,000 contacts.

You are a part of the SaaS Mantra Family. You are Special!

Today, you can get the deal for $89/lifetime for 4,000 active contacts. Just $89/one-time & use the product forever.

And you can stack up to 10 deals per account (50,000 active contacts)

Plus, this also includes all the future updates & integrations.

Note: Your account may show 2,000 contacts for each stack. Automizy team is working on the technical changes & your account will be reflecting the same (4,000 contacts per stack) next week.


  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited sub-accounts
  • No branding
  • 4,000 Active Contacts per deal
  • 10 deals = 50,000 Active Contacts
  • Send up to 80,000 emails pe
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